Shopping Tiroler Adlerin

Ramsau im Zillertal

High above, she gazes over everything. She floats, circles calmly, evenly ... time is not a factor. Time is a gift. Time helps her to perceive: the many mountain peaks, far into the distance, far into the different worlds that surround us. She observes culture, trends, regionality and couture, ... the world of art, of art, of art, of fabrics, of cuts, of design, while spying on the encounters, the possible dialogue between them. The eagle ... calmly, she circles, focused, keeping an eye on something special.   This idiosyncratic character accompanies her symbol, the word figurative brand, feminine heraldic animal, label, brand for one of the most individual fashion workshops in the entire Alpine region: the Tyrolean Adlerin!  


With attention to detail
The TYROLEAN ADLERIN is an artificial figure and a brand.
High upit looks over everythingIt floatscircles calmlyevenly.
Time is not a factorTime is a giftTime helps her to perceivethe many mountain peaksfar into the distancefar into the different worlds that surround usIt observes culturetrendsregionality and couture, ... the world of artartfabricscutsdesigns and

spies on the encountersthe possible dialogue between them.
The eaglecalmlyshe circlesfocusedkeeping her eye on something special.
This idiosyncratic character accompanies her symbolthe word figurative brandfeminine heraldic animallabelbrand for one of the most individual fashion workshops in the entire Alpine regionthe Tyrolean Adlerin!

Getting here

  • Arrival by public transport

    Line: 8327, bus stop: Ramsau-Hippach Bahnhof
    Line: S2, bus stop: Ramsau-Hippach Bahnhof


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