Markus Ritsch - Trachten und Lederbekleidung
Schwimmbadweg 1
6380 St. Johann in Tirol
+43 5352 63382
Markus Ritsch - traditional costumes and leather ware
Our shop has got 2 floors and free parking. We offer exclusively high quality clothing.
Selling quality brands as beinkleid, Lodenfrey, Steinbock, Wenger, Gloriette, Zeiler, Steffner, Wallmann, Arido, Spieth & Wensky, ………..
Our well trained tailors offer you custom made, changes and repairs of leather and fur clothing.
Markus Ritsch - Trachten und Lederbekleidung
Schwimmbadweg 1
6380 St. Johann in Tirol
+43 5352 63382