Kitz Galleria
Im Gries 20
6370 Kitzbühel
The department store to the city in Kitzbühel
In the KITZ GALLERIA, in the heart of the world-famous Tyrolean Gamsstadt, lies a true paradise for shopping lovers and connoisseurs. From well-known brands to individual designer stores and special treasures - take a shopping trip through the small but fine department store and discover high-quality products, beneficial services and culinary delights. The KITZ GALLERIA forms a convenient and direct connection between the Gries district with its numerous parking facilities and the Kitzbühel pedestrian zone. The "golden passage" leads from "Gries", 17 meters below, to the lively Kitzbühel Vorderstadt. The architectural elegance impresses with elements typical of the area. The light-flooded interior is characterized by the elegant staircase and glass elevators. As soon as you enter the department store, a space for relaxation and inspiration opens up.