Paunzen, also known as Daumnidei in some places, are amazingly versatile. You can serve them as a dessert or savoury dish with sauerkraut, but they also make an excellent side dish.
Cut the apples into small pieces and roast for 30 - 45 minutes in a little clarified butter and rapeseed oil. You don't need any additional sugar for this, as the roasting of the apples creates residual sugar. Stir the apples occasionally to prevent them from burning. After 30-45 minutes, blend the roasted apples in a blender jug for 4 minutes.
Cook the potatoes on a bed of salt in the oven at 150 °C for 20 minutes. Once cooked, peel the potatoes and press them through a potato ricer (important: the potatoes must still be warm!).
Meanwhile, melt the butter until it turns a light brown colour. Then add the flour, salt, an egg yolk and the butter to the riced potatoes and knead into an even dough with your hands. The dough is then divided into equal pieces using a pastry cutter, rolled out and sprinkled with flour. Form "paunzen" and place them on a tray in the freezer for 20 minutes.
Once cooled, deep-fry the paunzen in a pan with clarified butter and rapeseed oil. Place the fried paunzen in a bowl lined with kitchen roll to drain, season with salt and enjoy with the apple sauce.