Der Duft von gebackenen Kiachln und dampfendem Sauerkraut - die ganze Familie, eng zusammengerückt am Küchentisch in Vorfreude auf diesen kulinarischen Genuss - das löst bei vielen Tirolern Kindheitserinnerungen aus. Hier erfahren Sie, wie die süßen oder herzhaften Leckerbissen zubereitet werden.
Place the yeast, salt and sugar with the flour in a yeast dough bowl (alternatively another bowl with a lid) and mix well. Place the eggs in a separate bowl and beat until frothy. Carefully fold the egg mixture into the flour. In the meantime, melt the butter in a separate pan and add to the egg and flour mixture. Carefully mix in the lukewarm milk and stir well. Now beat the dough at the highest speed for 5 minutes using an electric mixer (dough hook). When the batter forms bubbles, it is ready.
Dust a little flour over the dough so that it does not stick to the underside of the lid when it has "risen". Close the yeast dough bowl tightly with the lid and place in a warm bain-marie. When the lid opens by itself, close it again and repeat this twice. When the third "pop" is heard, the yeast dough has risen sufficiently.
Pour plenty of flour onto a work surface, knead the dough again briefly and cut into palm-sized pieces. Pull the kiachl apart slightly with your hands, taking care not to make a hole in the centre. Heat the clarified butter not too hot, then fry one kiachl at a time. The kiachl are ready. They taste best with cranberries and sauerkraut or just with icing sugar.