Recipe Strauben: the original recipe to recook

Preparation 15 min
Effort: low
4 portions

Strauben are something of a fast food among Tyrolean desserts. This delicacy made from flour, milk and eggs is really easy for any amateur chef to make.


Ingredients for grapes

  • 250 g Flour
  • 1/4 l Milk
  • 1 Pinch Salt
  • 1 Pack Vanilla sugar
  • 2 cl Fruit brandy
  • 3 Piece Eggs
  • Clarified butter
  • Baking funnel or conventional kitchen funnel


Prepare the dough

Place the flour, milk, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix the ingredients with a whisk to form a firm dough. Then leave to rest for 20 minutes.

Add three eggs and fold into the batter. Mix well with a whisk. The batter should have a semi-liquid consistency (similar to pancake batter) so that it can flow easily into the hot fat. Finally, stir in 2 cl of fruit schnapps.

Bake grapes

  • Heat enough clarified butter in a large pan. Important: The fat must be really hot so that the strauben take on colour immediately.
  • Fill a funnel with the strauben batter and hold the bottom end closed. A baking funnel with a long handle is particularly suitable - but a normal household funnel works just as well.
  • Now pour the batter into the hot fat in a circular pattern from the centre and bake for three to five minutes until golden brown on both sides. The optimum cooking temperature is around 170 degrees.
    Tip: The strauben can be easily turned over with a spoon and fork or two slotted spoon.
  • Remove the strauben from the fat, drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with icing sugar before serving. If you like, add a generous dollop of cranberry jam.

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