Zum Frühstück gehört eine selbstgemachte Marmelade unbedingt dazu. Am besten schmeckt sie mit selbstgepflückten Beeren. Christine von Lilies Diary im Alpbachtal hat sich auf die Suche nach frischen Heidelbeeren gemacht.
Bring the blueberries, water and preserving sugar to the boil in a pan while stirring. Put the juniper berries in a tea bag and boil with the tea bag. Add the lemon juice and half the rum. Allow to simmer for approx. 3-4 minutes, stirring regularly.
Skim off the foam and rinse the glasses very hot. Add the remaining rum and the apple pieces to the jam and simmer for approx. 1 minute, then remove the tea bag with the juniper berries.
Carry out the gelling test: pour 1 spoonful of jam onto a cold plate and leave to cool briefly. If the jam is firm, it is ready.
Pour the jam into the jars, seal tightly and turn upside down for approx. 5-10 minutes. Then turn upside down again and leave to cool. The jam is ready the next day. The jam tastes best on Tyrolean farmhouse bread!