Wer es gern süß mag, kommt an Mandel-Florentinern nicht vorbei. Die Verführung aus Sahne, Zucker, Honig und Mandeln bringt Weihnachtsstimmung ins Zuhause.
Place the butter, sugar, honey and cream in a pan and simmer until the water content of the cream is reduced. Test: Using a teaspoon, drop a little of the mixture into a bowl of cold water. The cream should not mix with the water, then it is correct. Stir the flaked almonds into the boiling mixture, spread the mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper while still warm. Bake in the oven at 175°C for approx. 15 minutes (hot air) until the mixture is golden yellow. Cut into pieces or cut out slices while still warm.