Talstation Hopfgarten
Meierhofgasse 29
6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental
Why are New Year's Eve parties on the mountain so popular? Anyone who has ever celebrated the turn of the year on the Hohe Salve in Brixental Valley knows the answer: because of the magnificent view. The Tenner Stadl and the Salvenalm ensure that culinary delights and the party factor are not neglected. At midnight, there is also a firework display that can be described as "spectacular" with a clear conscience.
... the view and the fireworks at the mountain New Year's Eve in Hopfgarten are simply magnificent.
Talstation Hopfgarten
Meierhofgasse 29
6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental
TVB Region Hohe Salve
Brixentaler Straße 41
6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental