
Silent night, holy night. The lyrics in English

Probably the most famous Christmas carol in the world is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been translated into more than 350 languages and dialects. You can find the sheet music and all 6 verses of the Christmas classic here - in German and English.
Veröffentlichung von „Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!“ aus dem Jahr 1832

"Silent Night! Holy Night" - Der Liedtext auf Englisch

1. Silent Night! Holy Night! All is calm, all is bright,
Round you Virgin Mother and Child. Holy infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavently peace! Sleep in heavenly peace!

2. Silent night! Holy night! Son of God, O how he laughs
Love from your divine mouth, Then it hits us – the hour of salvation.
Jesus at your birth! Jesus at your birth! 

3. Silent night! Holy night! Which brought salvation to the world,
From Heaven’s golden heights, Mercy’s abundance was made visible to us:
Jesus in human form, Jesus in human form. 

4. Silent night! Holy night! Where on this day all power
of fatherly love poured forth And like a brother lovingly embraced
Jesus the peoples of the world, Jesus the peoples of the world. 

5.  Silent night! Holy night! Already long ago planned for us,
When the Lord frees from wrath Since the beginning of ancient times
A salvation promised for the whole world. A salvation promised for the whole world. 

6. Silent night! Holy night! To shepherds it was first made known
By the angel, Alleluia; Sounding forth loudly far and near:
Jesus the Savior is here! Jesus the Savior is here!

More about the christmas charol ‘Silent Night’


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