
The Tyrolean carnival from A to Z

During the Tyrolean carnival - better known as Fasching or Karneval in German-speaking countries - strange creatures roam the land. And before spring arrives, the Tyrolean streets become colourful again. Many of these traditions have now also been recognised as intangible cultural heritage - reason enough for a brief overview.

Tyrolean carnival customs have a large ensemble of different figures with a wide variety of tasks. The "Tuxer" figure, with its traditional costume of leather trousers, white shirt and mask, is an archaic version of the traders from the Zillertal valley who once travelled through Europe. "Klötzler" can be heard from afar thanks to the hundreds of wooden shingles sewn onto their costumes. The lurkers stalk their audience and try to scare them with loud screams. The symbolism of the individual figures is both simple and fascinating: mythical creatures and the spirits of ancestors are supposed to drive away winter and ensure a fruitful year.

Die Spiegeltuxer erinnern an die alten Händler aus dem Zillertal.

Burial: There is a gruesome yet comical tradition every five years in Telfs in the Tyrolean Oberland. When the carnival ends there (see Telfer Schleicherlaufen), the so-called "Naz" is buried at a fictitious funeral amid crocodile tears and howls to represent the carnival. Ash Wednesday is generally regarded as the end of the carnival season, when, according to Catholic belief, a forty-day period of fasting begins before Easter.

Fisser Blochziehen: A group of disguised men pull a 35 metre long tree on sledges through a small village - the "Blochziehen" in Fiss admittedly sounds like a spin-off of the horror classic "The Wicker Man". However, the spring and fertility festival actually has a long tradition. Figures such as "carters", "bear drivers" or "Bajatzl" are supposed to drive away evil demons, symbolised by "witches" and "Schwoaftuifl", and conjure up good spirits and spring. At the end of the procession, the wood of the pulled Swiss stone pine is traditionally auctioned off. Watch out: The Blochziehen only takes place every four years.

Goaslschnölln: People walking around Tyrol's streets with huge whips don't necessarily have something bad in mind at carnival time. Like yodelling in the past, "Goaslschnölln" was an analogue means of communication on mountain pastures. However, the cracking of whips during carnival is primarily intended to chase away the long winter.

Witches: "Witches" play a major role in almost every Tyrolean carnival. They are the ones who usually have to be driven away in order to get rid of winter. Particularly old Tyrolean witch masks date back to the 18th century. The figures, mostly depicted by men, accompany the processions and sweep the feet of the spectators.

Imster Schemenlaufen: The Imster Schemenlaufen is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Under normal circumstances, the festival is a magnet for visitors: Around 900 men dress up every four years for the huge parade. The most important groups of figures at the Imst carnival are the "Roller" and "Scheller", who appear as a pair of opposites. The "Kübelemajen", "Sackner" and "Spritzer" carve a path through the crowd for the main characters. What reads strangely on the screen makes a coherent picture on the spot.

Fighting: Tyrolean carnival can be rough at times. But it's not just man against man as in the Wampelerreiten. The real mission of carnival customs is the battle of good against evil, spring against winter. The roots of some customs go back to pre-Christian times: after all, spirits are conjured up, embodied, driven away and enchanted.

The Axamer Wampelerreiten on "Nonsensical Thursday", when the riders try to throw the Wampeler onto their backs, is a very rough event.

  • Axamer Wampelerreiten

    The Axamer Wampelerreiten on "Nonsensical Thursday", when the riders try to throw the Wampeler onto their backs, is a very rough event.

Larvae: The carved wooden masks of the people in disguise, known in this country as "larvae", are often not only precious family heirlooms, but also craftsmanship. The larvae are carved and painted ("painted", as they say among larva carvers) by masters of their trade. The different carnival communities have different masks for their own purposes. The larvae for the Nassereither carnival, for example, were created by Tyrolean artist and sculptor Franz Josef Kranewitter.

MullerandMatschgerer: The (urban) communities north-east of Innsbruck have their own carnival customs. The carnival season in the MARTHA villages of Mühlau, Arzl, Rum, Thaurand Absambelongs to the Muller and Matschgerer. "Tuxer", "Melcher", "Zaggler" or "Zottler" are the names of the figures who appear in the parades according to hierarchies, patterns and choreographies. If you want to get to know the full programme of the Tyrolean carnival, the best place to see the Muller and Matschgerer is at one of the balls. You can also "Mullerschaug'n" in some of the inns in the villages mentioned, where the traditional groups pay a visit.

Telfer Schleicherlaufen: Every five years, men wearing bells sneak through the market town. 500 carnival participants prepare for the spectacle, which is also recognised as intangible cultural heritage and only takes place every five years.

Nassereither Schellerlaufen: The Schellerlaufen in the small Oberland community is something special. The parade, which has been declared a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Site, only takes place every three years. The colourful baroque dresses and the eerie yet beautiful masks of the participants make the Schellerlaufen one of the most beautiful carnival processions in the Alps. 450 people from the community of 2,000 parade through the alleyways of the village on carnival day.


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