After Carag (played by Emile Cherif) arrives at his new school, Clearwater High, he meets millionaire Andrew Milling (played by Oliver Masucci), who is also a cougar shapeshifter. Milling tries to make a connection with Carag and the two go into the forest together in cougar form for the first time.
Forest around Haiming
This scene, in which Carag and Milling first talk briefly and then transform to romp through the forest together, was filmed at the beginning of the Ötztal in the woods around Haiming. (The scenes with the animals, however, were not filmed here).
Carag is overwhelmed by his many roles as human, cougar, son, friend and pupil. He escapes into the forest as a cougar to gain some distance.
Gepatsch Glacier nature trail
The drone shots were taken along a nature trail towards the Gepatsch Glacier in the Kaunertal and impressively show the untouched Tyrolean nature.
As with all good stories, the Woodwalkers end on a high note. Milling and his Woodwalker team want to loosen a huge pile of tree trunks in order to destroy the machines underneath and prevent the mine from being built. Carag discovers that there are people down there near the construction site - and not just anyone, but his family, who are spending a camping day there. The showdown was filmed at the following locations in Tyrol:
Piller Höhe in the municipality of Fliess
The Piller Höhe is located around the Kaunergrat Nature Park House. The area is characterized by an asphalt road as well as forest roads and a lot of forest. When Tikaani (played by Olivia Sinclair) and Carag talk about Tikaani's pack in the forest, they are out and about. The conversation with the fox family also took place in the forest on the Piller Höhe.
The exciting scenes in which the pile of wood that is to be loosened and slide down into the depths can be seen were also filmed on the Piller Höhe. Milling's car, in which he sits and talks on the phone to Carag, who tries to persuade Milling to stop the dangerous operation, was also parked there.
The "Rear Earth Mining Corporation" is actually the landfill site in Fliess.
On the Kaunertal Glacier Road
The Ralstons' campsite is located on an idyllic meadow near the forest not far from the Gepatschalm. The idyllic mountain road that can often be seen in the movie, for example when Milling drives to his house in his chic electric luxury car, is the Kaunertal Glacier Road, which leads past the Gepatsch reservoir.
Fröschl quarry in the Pitztal valley
Also part of the showdown are the dramatic scenes at the place where miners are still working at first and later Lou (played by Sophie Lelenta), the doe, is attacked by the bear shapeshifter Derek (played by Lukas Spisser). Brandon the bison (played by Johan von Ehrlich), who is actually very good-natured, gets in the bear's way and pushes him down the slope. All of this was filmed at the quarry in Pitztal.
At the end of the movie, Carag, Lou, Holly (played by Lilli Falk) and Brandon discuss a walk through the woods behind the school.
Haiming forest
The scene was filmed in Haiming, more precisely in the forest around Haiming.