Rathaus Galerien
Maria-Theresien-Straße 18
6020 Innsbruck
+43 512 57 48 61
The Rathausgalerien shopping centre
The Rathausgalerien is one of Innsbruck's modern architectural highlights. It is home to the city hall, as well as numerous shops and restaurants. The old town hall has been swathed in a modern cloak of glass and light and the ground floor offers a selection of shops and restaurants. It is also possible to relax with view: at the adjoining "The Penz" design hotel, at the "Lichtblick" cafe and restaurant or with panoramic views at the "360°" bar. The Rathausgalerien is located in the pedestrian zone on Maria Theresien Street.
Architect Dominique Perrault, 1996-2002. Glass roof over the courtyard by Daniel Buren, glass tower façade by Peter Kogler.