Attraction St. Anne's Chapel


Schmiede district


The chapel was originally very small, but was enlarged at the effort of the first curate of Ehrwald, Georg Sailer, and received the flagellation of Christ as an altarpiece. In 1734, the chapel was lengthened and received the missal. In the turmoil of the war years around 1809, it was plundered and set on fire, but rebuilt a year later. The altar dates from 1810 and shows St. Anne, St. Joachim and St. Mary (altar leaf) as well as carved figures of St. Joseph and St. Mary with the Child Jesus. On the altar mensa there is a late Gothic carving of St. Anne on the far right. In the tower hangs a small bell cast by Johann Graßmayr in 1881 with the inscription: "Gelobt sei Jesus, ruft mein Schall, ewig tönt der Widerhall". The 3rd petition on the Wednesday before Ascension Day at 5.30 a.m. leads to the Anna Chapel. Around 26 July, the commemoration day of St Joachim and St Anne, the patronal service is celebrated. May devotions and October rosaries are prayed every Tuesday at 6.00 pm. In summer, the Protestant congregation (cared for by the Protestant pastor from Reutte) also finds a home in the chapel for their Sunday services.

Getting here

  • Contact

    Pfarre Ehrwald
    6632 Ehrwald


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