Pfarramt Hippach
Hippach Dorf 29
6283 Hippach
+43 5282 3631
Pfarrkirche Hippach
The parish church, dedicated to St. Ingenuin and Albuin, is essentially a new building built between 1699 and 1701 by Gallus Apeller of Innsbruck.
From the former Gothic church are still the tower with pointed helmet and the sized windows (15th century), on the facade there is a round-arched portal made of tuff stone at the sacristy and the sacristy door decorated with iron lily ribbons.
The church is a typical Apeller building of the early Baroque style with a three-joch nave, a transept with barrel vaulted side chapels and a two-jochige semicircular choir.
The exterior is without structure, only the main portal has two columns and a triangular gable with ackanthus stucco.