Koasa Boulder
Salzburger Straße 17c
6380 St.Johann in Tirol
(0043) 6766523555
Koasa Boulder
In the region of St. Johann in Tirol you will not only find magnificent climbing adventures in the mountains, but also one of the most modern climbing facilities in the Tiroler Unterland. The bouldering hall Koasa Boulder is with a climbing area of about 800 m² one of the biggest in western Austria. The heart of the hall is the indoor bouldering area with a climbing surface of approx. 400 m². The main focus of the climbing area is bouldering. Bouldering is a special kind of climbing, you climb on boulders, rock walls or artificial climbing walls at jump height without a climbing rope and harness. The facility follows the trend of bouldering, which is rapidly growing in popularity. Have the courage and try it out!
Boulder area indoor: 400m²
Boulder area outdoor: 160m²
Koasa Boulder
Salzburger Straße 17c
6380 St.Johann in Tirol
(0043) 6766523555