Knappenwelt Gurgltal
Tschirgant 1
6464 Tarrenz
+43 5412 63023
Experience the life of the miners up close.
The Gurgltal was one of the most important mining areas in North Tyrol. Traditions come to life again with the Knappenwelt. For many residents in Gurgltal, mining was the only way to earn a living for their families. Not only did the mining bring many tunnels visible to this day in the region, but it also brought some prosperity to the people who lived there.
In the "Knappenwelt Gurgltal", at the foot of the Tschirenz Tschirenz, you can participate in the tough but fascinating life of the miners. Nine buildings and a gallery invite you on a wonderful journey into the past. Find out how the miners lived and worked in those days. Take part in the hard work and get to know the way of the ore from the tunnel to further processing! In the buildings you will learn which ores were and are found in the Gurgl Valley and with which mining techniques the miners transported the ore from the tunnels to the ore yards and for further processing.
The healer from Gurgltal - a mysterious woman!
In 2008, the remains of a woman from the time of the Thirty Years' War (1618-48) were found in a forest near the Strader Seehof in about 80 cm depth. You still do not know the exact cause of death, nor do you know who this 30- to 40-year-old woman might have been. The numerous finds around the corpse allow the assumption that it is a healer. In general, the condition of the found objects and also of the bones as well as the way of the burial is extraordinary, since the corpse has been buried face down. By accident or on purpose ...?
The newly built museum in the Knappenwelt Gurgltal offers its visitors a look into the life of the 17th century in the region of Gurgltal with special attention to the work of the healer.
Kids world
A special experience is the "Knappenwelt Gurgltal" in Tarrenz especially for children. The mascot "Maxl" accompanies her through the Knappenwelt and the children's world created especially for her. In addition, the little visitors can participate in a riddle journey, and win beautiful prizes. The eventful visit is rounded off with a visit to the nearby zoo, which is waiting for the children at Happi's hut. Happi's hut also invites adults to stop in, rest and enjoy. A must on a family holiday in Imst.
Knappenwelt Gurgltal
Tschirgant 1
6464 Tarrenz
+43 5412 63023