Attraction Hl. Josef Chapel


The Joseph Chapel in the lower village on the large lane was built in the 17th century.


The fresco on the façade shows the chapel's patron saint, St. Joseph, bridegroom of the Mother of God, foster father of the Son of God, patron saint of the Tyrol. The altarpiece was created by the Ehrwald church painter Josef Spielmann. During the chapel renovation in 1987/88, well-preserved secco paintings were uncovered in the choir room, which depict the Annunciation of the Lord (Archangel Gabriel and St. Mary), St. Anthony and St. Catherine of Alexandria, as well as ornamental paintings. The chapel has the Stations of the Mass and, since 1760, the Stations of the Cross. In the tower hangs a small bell cast by the Innsbruck bell foundry in 1933 ("in the Jubilee Year of Redemption") with the motto "St. Joseph protect, protect us from hardship and death". On 19 March, the Solemnity of St Joseph, the patronal service is celebrated in the afternoon at 3.00 pm. The 2nd petition on the Tuesday before Ascension Day at 6.00 a.m. leads to St Joseph's Chapel. In May, the May devotions are prayed every Monday and Wednesday at 7.00 pm, and in October, the October rosaries are prayed every Monday and Wednesday at 5.00 pm.

Getting here

  • Contact

    Pfarre Ehrwald
    6632 Ehrwald


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