Pfarramt Waidring
Pillerseestraße 6
6384 Waidring
+43 5353 5258
Church consecrated to Vitus & Nicolaus
Since 1381 inhabitants of Waidring are able to celebrate the holy mass at Waidring (in former times they had to walk to Kirchdorf).
1478 - construction of a gothic church | 1759 - start of construction works for a church in Barock-style (by Kassian Singer, completed by Andreas Huber)
1764 - consecration of the new church | At the end of the 19th century, the old frescoes have been painted over (the Rokoko-style was not longer desired) - in the year 1950, those original frescoes have been exposed and renewed in 1990.
Holy fairs, catholic: saturday 7 pm | sunday 09 am | tuesday 08 am.