Attraction Calvary Hill




The Calvary Hill rises to the north of the church. Built around 1830, the semi-circular construction with triangular pediment houses a Calvary scene: Christ on the cross with the two thieves and the attendant figure of Mary. The painted two-dimensional figures of John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene are probably somewhat older than the three-dimensional sculpted group.

The frescoes, in the style of Leopold Puellacher, depict Jerusalem and, in the clouds above the city, God the Father. Originally there were 8 wayside shrine-like chapels along the narrow, winding path that leads up to the Calvary - since 1989 there have been 11. On 1 June 1841, it was put in writing that the families from the village would take care of the maintenance of the little
chapel. In 1988/89, the inhabitants of Mösern collaborated to restore the Calvary, making both personal financial sacrifices and investing a great deal of the time and hard work in the process.

Three new chapels were created along the path that leads up to the Calvary. A Nazarene picture by Maria Theresia Striegel, ‘Der Abschied Christi’ (Christ taking leave of his Mother), from 1899 hangs in the first chapel.

Pictures with scenes depicting the Passion can be found in the chapels that follow. Here the old existing frescos still remain and the Stations of the Cross pictures, which are painted on fibre cement, have been placed in front.

In autumn 2007, the path to Calvary was extended. The Calvary route leads from the centre of the village to near Lake Möser. The path winds out of the village with a magnificent view and finds its last stop in the middle of the forest and yet with a picturesque view. Moreover, Calvary is immortalised in the EU Atlas of Sacred Mountains of Europe ("Atlante dei Sacri Monti").

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