Das Alte Jöchl Haus
6293 Tux
(0043) 5287 87668
The insider tip in Tux: Off the beaten track is the 600-year-old Jöchlhaus in Madseit, which is only accessible to a few guests. The visitor dives into old and ancient times.
The Alte Jöchlhaus in Madseit, Tux, is one of the oldest farmhouses in North Tyrol, dating back some 600 years. It has been inhabited continuously up to the present day and has thus preserved its unique atmosphere.
A table made of thousand-year-old larch wood, a crackling hearth fire and tales that reach back to the distant past - these are the ingredients for an unforgettable experience: Our legend hour takes place in a cosy atmosphere in the rustic kitchen of the Old House. The focus is on alpine mythical figures and the most beautiful motifs from old traditions - exciting, mystical, rousing. For adults and children from 6 years. In german language only!
"The crystals of the stone age hunters" - exhibition with guided tour
Weapons and tools made of rock crystal, which were found at the foot of the Olperer and are around 10.000 years old, are presented. In addition, one learns a lot about the history of the house and its inhabitants.
Both events will take place again as soon as the covid situation allows us to do so!