Tiroler Zugspitzbahn GmbH&CoKG
Obermoos 1
6632 Ehrwald
+43 5673 2309
Fascination Zugspitze | The Cosmos of Snowflakes | BAHNORAMA anno 1926
Fascination Zugspitze - world of experience ...with the best views
The "Fascination Zugspitze" world of experience in the mountain station offers visitors insights into the history surrounding the Zugspitze, the construction of Tyrol's first cable car and present-day impressions. The exhibition captivates the viewer with historical photographs, the highest 3D show in Europe, various film screenings, a glass floor with a view into the depths, a walk-through map and much more.
The Cosmos of Snowflakes
- With the Tyrolean Zugspitze Railway to Europe's First Little Snow Crystal World "The Snow Crystal" - that's the name of this fascinating visitor centre. Snow has a very diverse meaning especially for us here in the Alps and especially in Tyrol - tourism, winter sports or even the dark and quiet season are topics that strongly influence our population. The most impressive thing is certainly a deeply snow-covered winter landscape in the mountains. This fascination of the white splendour also remains in the very small - in the endless variety of snow crystals. Ice, whether in the ice streams of the Alps or in the snowflake, always fascinates with its uncannily multifaceted appearances - it is the 5th element, surely the most wondrous substance in the universe.
BAHNORAMA anno 1926
- Technology from 1926 meets the highlights of Zugspitze Experience a foretaste of the Zugspitze adventure, then as now, and take a look at the technology of 1926
Tiroler Zugspitzbahn GmbH&CoKG
Obermoos 1
6632 Ehrwald
+43 5673 2309