3-peak-tour: Wimbachkopf (2442m) - Marchkopf (2499m) - Gedrechter (2217m) (Trail No. 35)

3-peak-tour: Wimbachkopf (2442m) - Marchkopf (2499m) - Gedrechter (2217m) (Trail No. 35)


Follow the Zillertaler Höhenstraße road uphill to the Mizunalm pasture turn-off – first head right along a forestry road, then keep right when you reach the first junction after the pasture, and finally hike to the left in the direction of the Kristallhütte hut (10 min. away). At the junction, keep right and head towards Wimbachkopf mountain via the Alpine trail (featuring brief steep and exposed passages). Stay on the forest road until you reach the Albergo chalet. The Alpine trail begins here and you should follow this up to the Wimbachkopf summit, completing the short steep ascent to the summit cross in order to enjoy a spellbinding panorama of the upper Zillertal valley. As you take in the snow-capped 3000-meter peaks of the Zillertal valley, the Marchkopf summit looks so close that you could almost reach out and touch it. This area is also home to a large number of cairns – and all visitors are welcome to add their own to the collection. Descend along the front slope to the Wedelhütte hut, then follow the hiking trail to Marchkopf mountain. The return journey from the summit leads back along the same trail to the Wedelhütte hut. From there, hike along the forest road and through the Grubachtal valley to reach Gedrechter mountain. Then make your way back along the hiking trail through Alpine pastures and the marmot enclosure to return to the Kaltenbacher Skihütte hut and subsequently the Mizun reservoir.

stop off possibilities: Kaltenbacher Skihütte, Kristallhütte, Wedelhütte, Zirmstadl, Platzlalm

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    3-Gipfel-Tour: Wimbachkopf (2442m) - Marchkopf (2499m) - Gedrechter (2217m) (Weg Nr. 35)


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